Category Archives: wifey

No Man’s Skying It

On occasion the wifey and I like to do some online gaming. We bounce back and forth between Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) and No Man’s Sky (NMS). We are looking forward to Starfield coming out and giving it a try. As we wait for Starfield, NMS did a update called Echos. It was a noce little story arc, but too short if you asked me. There could have been more meat and potatoes to it… especially with Starfield coming out in a couple days and slated to give NMS a run for its money. None the less is still liked the Echoes update. We have been playing NMS and ESO since their 1st day releases so we are wondering how long Starfield will keep our interest.

The MINI golf outing🤣

A little bit back I went out to dinner and then some fun mini golf with wifey and the parental units. Was a ton of fun! (*Scores don’t matter when your having fun!) 🤣

We don’t get a chance to do things like this that often, but when we do it is a awesome time. Creating memories like this are a plus in my life. I love little outings like this… fun and laughs..and in wifey’s case, mosquitoes as well. LOL!!


Shout out…

My wifey knew this pain back then and still deals with it to this day. I’m tempted to run around with a sharpie marker and personalize any random item she wants at the gift shop when we take a road trip so she can have a personalized souvenir experience.