Category Archives: rare word

Rare Word: Lalochezia

Lalochezia (verb): The act of using abrasive language to relieve stress or ease pain.

Rare Word: Kenopsia

Kenopsia (noun) : The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that’s usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet—a school hallway in the evening, an unlit office on a weekend, vacant fairgrounds—an emotional afterimage that makes it seem not just empty but hyper-empty, with a total population in the negative, who are so conspicuously absent they glow like neon signs.

Rare Word – Nudiustertian

Nudiustertian – Pertaining to the day before yesterday

Rare Word: Nefelibata

Nefelibata. (ne-fe-LE-ba-ta) Noun: -A cloud walker; one who lives in the cloud of their own imagination or dreams, or one who does not abide by the precepts of society, literature, or art; -An unconventional, unorthodox person.

Rare Word – Sesquipedalian

Sesquipedalain (ses-kwi-pi-dal-yen): Characterized by long words; polysyllabic.

Rare Word – Tmesis

Tmesis (tme-sis): Seperation of the parts of a compound word by one or more intervening words.

Example: “a-whole-nother” or “abso-bloddy-lutely”

Rare Word: Vellichor

Vellichor (noun) The strange wistfulness of used bookstores, which are somehow infused with the passage of time—filled with thousands of old books you’ll never have time to read, each of which is itself locked in its own era, bound and dated and papered over like an old room the author abandoned years ago, a hidden annex littered with thoughts left just as they were on the day they were captured.

Rare Word: Petrichor

Petrichor: A distinctive scent, usually described as “earthy, pleasant, sweet”, produced by rainfall on dry ground.

Rare Word: Thalassophile

Thalassophile  —  (noun) A rare word, thalassophile is defined as a lover of the ocean. A  thalassophile appreciate the calm and violent beauty of the sea, as well as its natural duality between vulnerability and strength. Water is the only element which is simultaneously strong to cause an uprising, but delicate enough to sneak into the Earth’s smallest creaks.

Rare Word: Sillage

Sillage—  (noun) A rare word, originated from France, sillage is described as a trail or essence left behind, particularly from the lingering smell of perfume in the air.

Rare Word : Susurrus

Susurrus (sʊˈsɜr əs, noun)As one of the most beautiful words in the English language, susurrus is defined as a soft, murmuring sound. It resembles the rustling symphony of the fallen leaves moving across the pavement or the whispers created by the branches of the trees on a windy, autumn day. Uttering susurrus also simulates the acoustics of nature’s effect; this is one of those rare words where its aesthetic, sound and feel coincide beautifully.

Rare Word: Hamartia


noun: hamartia; plural noun: hamartias

  1. a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine.”there’s supposed to be an action that reveals the protagonist’s hamartia”

Rare Word: Abditory


Noun • [ab-di-to-ri:]

A place into which you can disappear • a hiding place