Category Archives: Postcards

Will they or will they not be delivered (and registered)

That looming deadline approaches. When I send out a postcard to a person via Postcrossing it has 60 days to be able to reach the destination and the recipient to register the card. If they do not, then the card expires and just hangs there against your count of cards you can send out. I sent a message to the two individuals that are at the 58 day marker today, but no response yet. I hope they get them and are able to register them.. not only to save my ability to send more cards, but for them to be able to enjoy the postcards I sent them.

Newest postcard from Germany

This awesome postcard came in the post today from where of all places… Germany (LOL). I love the items pictured all over the front of the card. The stamps on it were awesome as well. I wonder when and where the next one will come from.

New Postcards…

Got three new postcards in the post today. One from Canada, one from Germany, and one from Ukraine. I love hearing about all of the little towns and areas the senders are from. I know there is not much room to write a long story on a postcard, but the little bit there on the cards opens a door to that part of the world to me. I don’t get to travel and pen palling via postcard through Postcrossing is a great way for me to virtual experience and learn about places around the world. I wonder where my next card will come from…?